© Mira Pietila, images by Paula Alavesa
The world of Imperial is forged by its own citizens. As such a citizen,
you are born and raised here. In all probability, you will die here,
only to be resurrected by the spirit and guidance of your comrades here.
You will be trained, not only by the skilled masters of your guild, but
also the elder adventurers of Imperial. As you become more experienced,
your adventure need not become stagnant, as there are always new areas
to explore, and the faces of old ones are constantly changing. During
your journey you will meet priests and demons, sailors and gardeners.
Some of those you meet will outright try to kill you, others will offer
to teach you, and still others will merely tolerate your presence. Then
there are the shopkeepers, weapons dealers, and other such folk who will
buy and sell equipment from and for your journeys. The Gods of Imperial
watch over all of these people and monsters, as well as you, to make
sure you are able to take advantage freely of all this world has to
offer. The history of Imperial is long, and fraught with deeds of
valor, as well as cruel pain and punishment. It is far too long to
describe here. Suffice it to say that the historical spirit of Imperial
continues with the birth of each new character, a cheery chatted hello,
and the death of a comrade. Learn the history as you explore, and pass
it on, for you are a part of a wondrous world, and it continues with
each retelling.