The Players
What is a fantasy realm without those who live and breathe within it? No matter how much effort one puts into creating a playing environment online, it would be a total waste of time if players did not bring their own personalities, goals, unique quirks and perspectives to the game.
Imperial has some players who have been around since its inception. We also have those who are just starting out with us and a whole range in between. We even have a special area or two dedicated to the legendary players amongst us, those who have followed their own paths to different realms of existence, bring it online or in reality.
The following links will lead you to player bio sheets, pages of information about individual players and the characters they have chosen to play. We hope you enjoy reading throught is section as much as we do, for these are our friends, our neighbors and our gaming partners.
For those players wanting inclusion on this page, please email the Imperial Webop with the following information: Player Character (primary) name, names of your alts (if any, as required), Country of Origin, gender, birthdate information, ICQ #, AIM SN, Yahoo ID, homepage URL (and you had better not have any material on there a 12 year old living in a convent would not be comfortable viewing or it won't get added in), and a short bit about yourself or your primary character, as you wish. You can also send a SMALL picture and not a rude one either or again, it will not be included. The information you send is optional and does not need to include all the aforementioned items.
Welcome to the tru heart and soul of Imperial.
To have your player information listed here, please register with our forum and complete as much of the registration information as you wish to be public knowledge. Thank you.
Who are the players of this mud?